Finances should never be a barrier to obtaining excellent oral healthcare. That is why we offer several options to make it easy and affordable as possible to cover the cost of your treatment.
We gladly provide a courtesy discount for services paid-in-full by cash or check at time of service.
We accept most insurances and will help you maximize your benefits. We will do all the research for you so you know what is covered before you come for treatement, then we will help you file all the right forms, on time, and provide you any guidance to succesfully complete your claim. All we ask is that you pay your co-pay or an estimated portion of the charges at the time of treatment.
If you have an HSA or employer-provided fund, we will help you find out how best to use it.
we accept all major credit cards, or we will help you apply for a healthcare credit card from CareCredit. Our courtesy discount does not apply to credit card payments.
We can offer interest-free payment plans, up to 12 months, for those who qualify.